Integrative approachRecent research shows that an integrative approach to healthcare, utilizing both Western and complementary medicine, yields better results than either Western or complementary medicine alone. A good example of this is how acupuncture is being used to relieve the side effects of cancer treatments. In addition to relieving symptoms associated with cancer and its treatment, patients report that acupuncture dramatically improves their quality of life. Proven effectiveBeing diagnosed with cancer is one of the most stressful experiences a person can have. Immediate reactions include shock, anxiety, and fear. Part of this fear is not only of the cancer itself, but of the commonly known side effects of cancer treatments, including chemotherapy and radiation treatment. While life saving, these treatments themselves can be the source of great stress for many people. Studies show that acupuncture can be immensely helpful in relieving the side effects of cancer treatment. Symptoms that acupuncture has been proven to alleviate include fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, neuropathy, depression, sleeping problems, hot flashes, and pain. In addition to this, acupuncture can help to ease the anxiety associated with going through this experience, as well as calm the emotional roller-coaster involved. Learn moreAcupuncture is an ancient treatment with modern applications for better living. With almost no negative side effects and plenty of positive ones, acupuncture has been used by thousands of people in conjunction with conventional cancer therapies to ease the process of beating cancer, and transitioning back to health. If you're interested in learning more about acupuncture, consider reading About Acupuncture or How Acupuncture Works. For additional answers to frequently asked questions about acupuncture treatment, see our FAQ. More resources discussing the use of acupuncture in conjunction with cancer treatment can be found below. If you have any additional questions, feel free to Contact Us. Resources & Related Links
1/18/2022 08:24:54 am
I never knew the most well-known adverse effects of cancer therapies, such as chemotherapy and radiation. While these therapies can save lives, they can also be a cause of enormous stress for many individuals. I never thought that it would be like this, I'll share this with my aunt. Thank you for the information about acupuncture cancer.
Peter Maxwell
6/12/2022 08:37:31 am
Thank you for taking the time to share this. As a cancer survivor, I would want to underline how useful and successful acupuncture and alternative medicine are. Following my Chemotherapy for throat cancer, I was extremely debilitated and in excruciating pain. I needed to find new strategies to deal with the pain and recover properly via rest. That's when a friend suggested I check out Now I'm as healthy as an ox and have recovered owing to the relief provided by acupuncture sessions.
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AuthorMarni Adhikari, M.Ac, L.Ac, Dipl.Ac, is the founder and acupuncturist at Wisdom Traditions Acupuncture of Essex Junction, VT Learn MoreQuestions? |