Evidence Based AcupunctureEvidence Based Acupuncture compiles current empirical research about acupuncture and organizes it into an easy to navigate website. Their goal is to educate patients, practitioners, and physicians about the current state of knowledge about acupuncture.
World Health Organization: Publication on AcupunctureA draft report on the clinical practice of acupuncture was reviewed at the WHO Consultation on Acupuncture held in Cervia, Itality. The participants recommended that WHO should revise the report, focusing on data from controlled trials. This publication is the outcome of that process.
NCCAOM News and Resource CenterNCCAOM stands for National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Their news and resource center posts up-to-date articles and research that are sorted by health condition in chronological order.
Acupuncture TodayOffers national and regional news stories, reviews of the latest research, debates and opinion pieces on issues relevant to the profession; as well as clinical articles from some of the most respected names in the acupuncture and Oriental medicine arena.
US News and World Report: Latest News on AcupunctureU.S. News has earned a reputation as the leading provider of service news and information that improves the quality of life of its readers by focusing on health, personal finance, education, travel, cars, news and opinion. This page links to up-to-date acupuncture articles.
NY Times: On AcupunctureThe New York Times is a world leader in original journalism, and a trusted source for facts. This page links to news about Acupuncture, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.
National Center for Complimentary & Integrative HealthThe National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health is the Federal Government's lead agency for scientific research on the diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine.
MedicineNet: About AcupunctureMedicineNet is an online, healthcare media publishing company. They provide easy-to-read, in-depth, authoritative medical information for consumers via their robust, user-friendly, interactive website.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: On AcupunctureMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is one of the world's oldest and largest private cancer centers. One of their unique strengths is the close collaboration between physicians and scientists, which enables them to provide patients with the best care available as they work to discover more effective strategies to prevent, control, and ultimately cure cancer in the future.
Mayo Clinic: About AcupunctureMayo Clinic is a nonprofit worldwide leader in medical care, research and education for people from all walks of life. Their website offers an easy to understand explanation of acupuncture, why it’s done, risks, how to prepare, what to expect, and results.
National Cancer Institute: About AcupunctureThis is the central website for the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the U.S. government's principal agency for cancer research. NCI is mandated by U.S. law to disseminate information about cancer and cancer research. This website serves as an important means to achieving that mission.
Mesothelioma Guide: How Acupuncture Can HelpThe Mesothelioma Guide provides up-to-date information about living with mesothelioma, top doctors, treatment options, and more. This article explains about how acupuncture can be helpful for mesothelioma.
Cerebral Palsy Guidance: AcupunctureCerebral Palsy Guidance was created to provide answers and assistance to parents of a child with cerebral palsy.
WebMD: A Visual Guide To AcupunctureWebMD provides valuable health information, tools for managing your health, and support to those who seek information. Their content is widely considered to be timely and credible.
Medical News Today: About AcupunctureMedical News Today provides concise and accurate information on current medical news, with content targeted to both healthcare professionals and patients alike. It provides news from evidence-based, peer-reviewed studies, along with accurate, unbiased and informative content from governmental organisations (e.g. FDA, CDC, NIH, NHS), medical societies, royal colleges, professional associations, patients' groups, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, among others.
Chinese Medicine DemystifiedA series of articles discussing a modern take on the mechanisms of acupuncture, and how acupuncture can help for various conditions.
An Introduction to Acupuncture and How It WorksDiscussion of acupuncture from the traditional Chinese perspective and from the modern international perspective.
Journal of Integrative MedicineJournal of Integrative Medicine (JIM) is a peer-reviewed journal sponsored by Shanghai Association of Integrative Medicine and Shanghai Changhai Hospital, China. Topics covered include all aspects of integrative medicine, such as acupuncture and moxibustion, traditional Chinese medicine, meditation, and any other modalities of CAM, as well as their integration with the conventional medicine.
Journal of Traditional Chinese MedicineThe Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine is an international quarterly devoted to clinical and theoretical research in traditional Chinese medicine, including acupuncture, tui na, and herbal medicine. It is the oldest journal dedicated to acupuncture research, and is published in multiple languages for use by practitioners around the world.
Journal of Acupuncture & Meridian StudiesThe Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies is a bi-monthly, peer-reviewed journal featuring high-quality studies related to basic and clinical acupuncture and meridian research, covering East and West and traditional and modern medicine.
Journal of the Chinese Medical AssociationThe Journal of the Chinese Medical Association has a long history of publishing scientific papers and has continuously made substantial contribution in the understanding and progress of a broad range of biomedical sciences. JCMA is an international forum for scholarly reports in medicine, surgery, dentistry and basic research in biomedical science.
World Journal of Acupuncture - MoxibustionWorld Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion is sponsored by the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies, Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, and China Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. The focus of the journal includes clinical research on acupuncture and moxibustion.
Maryland University For Integrative HealthThe Maryland University of Integrative Health is the leading academic institution for integrative health in the nation. Located in Laurel, MD, they offer graduate degrees and certificates in a wide range of wellness fields, as well as programs for professional and personal development.
The Greater Good Science CenterThe Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being, and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society. They are an excellent resource for ideas on self-care and fostering happiness.
The Perennial MedicineThe Perennial Medicine is a philosophy of healing based on the principles held in common by all ancient healing traditions. Based on a paradigm of working within a unified field, these healing traditions use entrainment, resonance and the cultivation of healing presence as cornerstones of their methodology.
Spirit Path PressBook company specializing in works that convey a leading edge synthesis of the history, philosophy, and practical application of Chinese medicine; works that embrace integral, ecological, and evolutionary perspectives of health, healing, and medicine.
Mind & Life InstituteA non-profit organization committed to building a scientific understanding of the mind as a way to help reduce suffering and promote human flourishing. To accomplish this, they foster interdisciplinary dialogue between Western science, philosophy, humanities, and contemplative traditions, supporting the integration of first-person inquiry through meditation and other contemplative practices into traditional scientific methodology.
Mindful.orgMindful.org is a website dedicated to mindfulness-based practices and a community for growing the movement. It is part of a broader initiative called Mindful, which celebrates being mindful in all aspects of daily living. Mindful.org is dedicated to giving voice, inspiration, guidance, and connection to all those who want to enjoy the proven benefits of mindfulness practices and to create a more mindful and caring society.
Self-Compassion.orgSelf compassion is a new and exciting topic of study in the field of psychology. "Far from encouraging self-indulgence, self-compassion helps us to see ourselves clearly and make needed changes because we care about ourselves and want to reach our full potential."
Institute for Integrative NutritionThe Institute for Integrative Nutrition is the largest school of nutrition in the world. They teach a wide variety of viewpoints on nutrition, allowing their students the opportunity to choose what works for their bodies, as well as offer dietary counseling to others.
Peace of MindEssays on how to achieve peace in our modern world. This website is dedicated to helping you find peace of mind.
The Web That Has No Weaverby: Ted Kaptchuk
The Web That Has No Weaver is the classic, comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of Chinese medicine. This accessible and invaluable resource has earned its place as the foremost authority in synthesizing Western and Eastern healing practices. This revised edition is the product of years of further reflection on ancient Chinese sources and active involvement in cutting-edge scientific research. Between Heaven & Earth: A Guide to Chinese Medicineby: Harriet Beinfield
Two of the foremost American educators and healers in the Chinese medical profession demystify Chinese medicine's centuries-odl approach to health. Combining Eastern traditions with Western sensibilities in a unique blend that is relevant today, BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH opens the door to a vast storehouse of knowledge that bridges the gap between mind and body, theory and practice, professional and self-care, East and West. Dancing with the Ten Thousand Thingsby: Tom Balles
You have the innate ability to be a healing presence. Imagine amplifying your gifts and applying them in your family life, friendships, work, organizations, and community. This book outlines the journey of waking up through being of service. Each day calls us to tend life beyond ourselves. Dancing with the Ten Thousand Things helps you answer that call and become a powerful healing presence. Traditional Acupuncture: The Law of the Five Elementsby: Dianne Connelly
An explanation of the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water), and their use in the treatment room. Dr. Connelly shows how traditional acupuncture can make a difference, both in our moment-to-moment appreciation of life and in the way we hold life s bigger picture. Includes a description of the examination done before acupuncture treatment, as well as many case examples. Requires no technical knowledge; fine for the general reader interested in acupuncture and health. Staying Healthy with the Seasonsby: Elson Haas
A leading practitioner of the season-based lifestyle theory, Dr. Elson Haas provides simple, logical advice for achieving glowing good health: Bring the mind and body into balance with the earth, and consume a diet that emphasizes in-season, chemical-free foods. Joining Western and Eastern medicines with seasonal nutrition, herbology, and exercise practices, this timeless classic, revised for the 21st century, provides the keys to staying healthy from spring right on through winter. |
Wood Becomes Water: Chinese Medicine in Everyday Lifeby: Gail Reichstein
Does your back pain flare up in the evening? Perhaps your water element is weak. Allergies in the spring? Emotional outbursts? Perhaps your wood element is too strong. Using the five element system of Chinese cosmology as a key-wood, fire, earth, metal, water-Gail Reichstein unlocks the ancient mysteries of Chinese medicine and makes them available for the everyday health and well-being of modern readers. The Spark in the Machineby: Dan Keown
This highly accessible, witty, and original book shows how western medicine validates the theories of Chinese medicine, and how Chinese medicine explains the mysteries of the body that western medicine largely ignores. The book shows how the theories of western and Chinese medicine support each other, and how the integrated theory enlarges our understanding of how bodies work on every level. Full of good stories and surprising details, Dan Keown's book is essential reading for anyone who has ever wanted to know how the body really works. Nourishing Destiny: The Inner Tradition of Chinese Medicineby: Lonny Jarrett
Nourishing Destiny, first published in 1999, has now become a classic text in the field of Chinese Medicine and is in use as a core text by schools of many traditions throughout the world. Nourishing Destiny examines Chinese medicine as a science pertaining to the evolution of consciousness. Equating health with open awareness and illness with habitual functioning, Lonny examines the Chinese notion of destiny as it applies to the practice of acupuncture and herbal medicine. Common Sense for the Healing Artsby: Bob Duggan
A book for the healer in all of us. Read these essays, recognize the possibilities, and change your life. In doing so, as Robert Duggan reminds us, we serve everyone around us and the generations to come. Healing With Whole Foodsby: Paul Pitchford
Used as a reference by students of acupuncture, this is a hefty, truly comprehensive guide to the theory and healing power of Chinese medicine. It's also a primer on nutrition—including facts about green foods, such as spirulina and blue-green algae, and the "regeneration diets" used by cancer patients and arthritics—along with an inspiring cookbook with more than 300 mostly vegetarian, nutrient-packed recipes. |