Who Gets Acupuncture?
Patients are everyday people. They seek acupuncture for a wide variety of conditions from pain, digestive issues or infertility to depression and anxiety. There is no “typical” patient profile. People range from young to older, from single to families, etc. They come in to seek help with matters of physical health, emotional upset, stress, or a combination of all of these. As whole person medicine, acupuncture addresses all of these issues with the understanding that they are all connected. Why Do People Choose Acupuncture? Some people come to acupuncture as a last resort when other treatment options have failed to give them the relief they seek. Others come to acupuncture because they are looking for a natural way to relieve their symptoms, one that does not involve pharmaceutical medication or potential harmful side effects. Another reason that people turn to acupuncture treatment is to relieve stress, including using acupuncture as preventative care for stressful situations such as job interviews. For the latter, acupuncture assists with maintaining clarity and calm. Others use acupuncture as part of a preventative care plan, seeking to support good health in the present and the long term. Whatever the reason you're considering acupuncture, our acupuncturist Marni Adhikari has the dedication and expertise to help you find the relief you seek, naturally. |