Acupuncture is proven to be safe
Licensed acupuncturists are thoroughly trained to be careful about safety and cleanliness in the treatment room. This includes frequent hand washing, swabbing each point with alcohol before needling, and using pre-packaged, lab sterilized needles that are carefully discarded after a single use. Potential side effects of correctly performed acupuncture by a licensed acupuncturist are rare and mild, such as light bruising or dizziness. Safety training In addition to undergoing thorough training in a three to four year Masters program, all acupuncturists must be certified in Clean Needle Technique by the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM) in order to be licensed. In addition, Marni Adhikari, L.Ac of Wisdom Traditions Acupuncture gets re-certified every two years in safety protocols to ensure that she is up to date with the latest recommendations and techniques. |